Ends Tuesday May 30th @ 3PM EST

Want To Complete Python Data Science Projects?

Python For Machine Learning & API's Launch Sale

Normally $997

+ $12,000 in LAUNCH BONUSES

Get The Entire Pack Now
Only $599 (Save $12,000)

10% Goes To Memorial Day Charity

(The Fisher House Foundation)

Ends Tuesday, May 30th @ 3PM EST

Everything That's Included

  • Python For Machine Learning & API's

  • Python For Data Science Automation

  • 2 Shiny For Python Apps

  • First 100 Students: Python Mug

  • First 10 Students: 1-On-1 Coaching Call

  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

  • 10% of Proceeds Goes to The Fisher House Wounded Soldiers Charity

Total Value = $12,588

Yours Today For $599

An Open Letter To Every Data Scientist In 2023

In 2022, the world believed what we had was a secret sauce, magic power, or a little bit of both.

There was mystery to what we did.

We were the bleeding edge of tech.

We had the reputation of having the big salaries.

We were the masters of Machine Learning, AI, & Deep Learning.

When normal people heard the words “data science” they knew what we did was difficult, complex, and time consuming.

They thought we were "doing things best left to the smart people of the world."

Then 2023 struck and the market shifted.

Record layoffs at tech companies.

Data science departments slashed.

Then ChatGPT emerged, showing people what advanced NLP could do.

Because of ChatGPT, everyone and their grandmother is now an “AI expert" and the shine about data science is gone.

Just “knowing how to code” isn’t impressive anymore.

One of my students said that because of ChatGPT, his wife thinks she can now code as well as him.

Just knowing python isn't impressive anymore.

What separates the boys from the men in 2023 is simple: Can you actually complete data science projects?

Why? Because…

Statistics Show 87%
Of Data Science Projects FAIL

On the flip side, there’s a small group of elite data scientists out there who can complete projects in 1/10th the time, and for a fraction of the cost of big data science teams.

And soon, their way of doing things will be the norm.

Who are these data scientists? Business Scientists.

They are the equivalent of data science consultants.

They work as 1 man (or 2 man) shows.

They come in, get the data, solve the problem, and collect a check.

The faster they complete the project, the faster the checks roll in.

And as a data science consultant myself, I know that every smart consultant gets a % of the money they generated for a company.

Which means on top of the $50,000 check you get, you also get 1-2% of the profit increase.

(So if you save a company $1,000,000 you’re collecting an extra $10,000 or $20,000 on top.)

The Average Data Science Project Takes 15 Months, Business Scientists Get Things Done In 8-12 Weeks.

Business Scientists are masters of project management, data science, and business.

And if YOU want to be a master data scientist, these are the skills you must have.

Which is why it took me 2 years to plan, design, and create my course: Python For Machine Learning & API’s.

This course is by far the best course I’ve put together and will streamline your process for completing data science projects.

Not to mention you’ll learn the best skills on building production-ready models, API’s and applications.

So whether you want to grow your career as a 1-man data science team OR become the ultimate team player (and the go-to data science leader in your company), then this is what you've been searching for.

New Course:
Python For Machine Learning & API's

The Ultimate Python Course For Building Production-Ready Business Solutions

Project Flow For Python II

This is the project you work through in Python For Machine Learning & API's.

This is a lead scoring problem for a multi-million dollar business and I'm going to show you how to solve the entire project yourself.

Here are some of the highlights of the course:

  • Avoid the mistake which causes 87% of data science projects fail.

  • Simulate the cost of the problem under different scenarios.

  • Discover how to provide a range for how much the problem is costing the organization.

  • How to connect tables to a sql database.

  • Create a full blown exploratory report in 1 line of code.

  • Discover how to gain insights to determine what increases the probability of customers making purchases.

  • Learn how to make special engineered features to help you clean, sort, and manage data.

  • Learn how to create association analysis reports to help your company discover new customer insights.

  • Discover the one key feature I use to determine a 2900% increase in purchase.

  • Use Pycaret to access 19 model algorithms including XGBoost, LightGBM and Catboost. (and then use Machine Learning with ALL 19 models.)

  • Discover how to tune models to stabilize predictions and increase performance.

  • Use my overlooked technique to select the right model for your analysis (And another method to find the most important features of your model.)

  • Find out WHY a model is predicting a customer to buy.

  • How to lead score customers based on probability of buying.

  • Discover how to create SciKit Learn Pipelines from scratch (plus how to tune them manually using GridSearch)

  • I have created a secret python code to make 100s of machine learning models in minutes (on top of that, I’ll also show you how to find the most accurate one.)

  • Learn how to log advanced models like H2O (and access the AutoML leader model).

  • How I created a monthly increase of $237,266 in new sales a month for a single company.

  • I show you the A-Z process for creating a stand alone app which allows ANYONE to use the algorithm you’ve created.

Here Are Some Screenshots From Within The Course

Avoid the mistake 90% of Data Science Teams Make

Perform Exploratory Data Analysis at the speed of light

Gain insights fast (and get quick wins for your company)

Increase your Classifier AUC 15% with these Feature Engineering Tips.

Enhance your Feature Engineering Skills to uncover more insights!

Use this hack to make 19 Scikit Learn Models in under 1 minute.

Automatically sort the models by performance with only 1 line of code.

Tune your models in 1 line of code.

Discover the most important features without introducing correlation bias.

Uncover why a customer is likely to buy.

Use this trick to build scikit learn pipelines faster

Build 100's of machine learning models in under 1 minute with this technique.

Pick the best model with this time-tested trick.

Uncover a super-power: logging in MLFlow!

Use H2O & MLFlow to build the ultimate Production-Ready Machine Learning Models.

Wow your company by sharing how your algorithm makes them $311,105 in sales every month.

Store your leader H2O Models in MLFlow and track the Machine Learning Lifecycle.

Make an App that let's your company's "non-techie" people access your business solution automatically. (And instantly become a leader in your organization)

Unlock the ultimate production tool: APIs

Make $3,600,000 in one year with your model! (and you'll likely get a promotion)

Empower non-techie people download their own Lead Scoring Strategies

Secure your API (without involving the IT Department)

Build robust APIs in under 5 minutes

Show you're a team player by incorporating your management's input into your analysis and making a "Balanced Plan"

Python For Machine Learning & API's Will Retail For $997

Get It Now And Save $400 + Bonuses

Bonus #1: Python For Data Science Automation

Transition repetitive business processes to Python automation workflows.

Project Flow for Python I

Python 1 Comes With 10 Modules:

  • Module 0: Project, Environment, and VSCode Setup

  • Module 1: Jumpstart (Sales Analysis)

  • Module 2: Working with SQL Databases

  • Module 3: Pandas Deep-Dive (3+ Hours Training)

  • Module 4: Exploratory Analysis & Time Series Basics

  • Module 5: Functional Programming in Python

  • Module 6: Building ARIMA Time Series Models with Sktime

  • Module 7: Data Visualization Deep-Dive (3+ Hours Training with Plotnine)

  • Module 8: Writing An Analysis To SQL Databases

  • Module 9: Automated Sales Reporting with Jupyter + Papermill

  • Module 10: Task Scheduling in Windows & MacOS

Here Are Some Screenshots From Within The Course

Learn how to set up VSCode

Analyze sales trends

Perform a full Sales Analysis in just the first 45 minutes

Learn how to read and write from SQL databases. 

Convert SQL database tools into repeatable Python data collection functions. 

Create your very own python module (so you can use your custom functions throughout the project)

Take a 3-hour deep-dive into the Pandas Library.

Learn about Pandas objects, classes, and methods.

Learn common pandas techniques like…

Row-wise filtering

Column Operations


Group By and Apply

Make an Exploratory Data Analysis Report (and identify data issues)

Grouped Time Series Resampling

Outlier Detection

Make a Custom "Summarize By Time" Function

Learn forecasting basics with sktime

Automate an ARIMA Forecasting Function

Learn 8 Types of Data Visualizations in the Deep Dive...

Scatter Plot

Line Plot

Bar Plot With Smoother

Horizontal Bar Plot

Density & Histograms

Box Plots

Put Your Analysis Into A Jupyter Report

Automate The Reporting With Papermill

Task Schedule to Run Reports Each Day, Week, Month, or at a Custom Time Automatically

Windows Task Scheduler

Mac Automator

What Can This Course Do For You?

This is what just the first Python course in the program did for Jeremy...

How Jeremy got his 💰 6-Figure Senior Data Scientist Position:

Jeremy says...

"Your Python Course allowed me to gain the confidence in my everyday work."

"I've never felt comfortable in Python until now."

"I couldn't have done it this quickly without your courses."

"Thank you for your constant support and incredible material!"

"I've been using Python in production for 4 months, and I was headhunted for a new role."

"Starting the first week of December, I'll be a Senior Data Scientist [$150,000+ Position]"

Python For Data Science Automation Retails For $697

Get It Now For FREE As A Bonus

Bonus #2: Shiny Web Applications

Extend the Python For Machine Learning & API's Course 2 with two Shiny for Python apps:

Python For Shiny App #1: Loan Default Scoring App

Value: $4,999

The great thing about this Shiny For Python App is that you solve a completely different project than in the course... with the exact same process from the Python II Course!

And you solve a completely different problem: Which loans are likely to default (a $5,000,000+ problem for banks)

The loan scoring app comes with a complete project:

You get:

✅ Analysis File

✅ Shiny App

✅ Data

✅ Models

✅ Requirements

Python For Shiny App 2: Employee Attrition Risk App

The HR Analytics App solves a $5,000,000 problem that company's face: Understanding Why Their Employees Are Leaving

You get:

✅ Analysis File

✅ Shiny App

✅ Data

✅ Models

✅ Requirements

Bonus #3:

The First 100 People Receive A Limited Edition Business Science Python Mug

This mug was carefully crafted with a special pythonic twist (you'll see it when you get it). It symbolizes your transformation (and you'll be the envy of your work peers when they see it on YOUR desk). 😉

Bonus #4:

The First 10 People Receive A 1-On-1 Coaching Call With Matt

Question: When are you going to need help the most?

It's probably when you're in the 3rd round of a job interview (when competition is the highest).

Who do you think is going to get the job if they have me in your back corner?

True story. Samantha locked down a 6-figure Shiny Data Engineer job with CVS Health...

And it only took 1 meeting with me to knock out her competitor in the 3rd round.

Everything That's Included

  • Python For Machine Learning & API's

  • Python For Data Science Automation

  • 2 Shiny For Python Apps

  • First 100 Students: Python Mug

  • First 10 Students: 1-On-1 Coaching Call

  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Total Value = $12,588

Yours Today For $599