Special LIVE Event Starts Wednesday, October 9th @ 2PM EST

How To Become A 6-Figure Business Scientist In 2024

Discover how to accelerate your data science career by adding the 15 most overlooked skills.


Wednesday, October 9th @ 2PM EST

LIVE Become A Business Scientist Workshop 🎉

Learn 15+ overlooked skills that will accelerate your data science career

Wednesday, October 9th @ 2PM EST

Hi I'm Matt,

The problem with data science is it's not what the business actually wants.

Businesses don't care about:

  • Math or stats

  • How much theory you know

  • Jupyter notebooks

  • Tableau dashboards

  • Python or R

Businesses care about one thing:

  • Return on Investment ($$$)

And that's why it's hard to get a job in data science, transition from another career, and grow your DS career once you have a job.

Because you and every other data scientist are feeding them more and more of what they DON'T want.

I have good news.

I'm going to lift the curtains on the insider secrets for how to become a 6-Figure Business Scientist in this workshop:

What's Inside this Live Workshop?

There are 15 overlooked data science skills. And not knowing them is holding you back from starting and growing your data science career.

Inside the training, you'll gain these exact skills:

  1. Why companies hire data scientists (and how to position yourself)

  2. Why companies promote data scientists (avoid the Number 1 Mistake that causes career stagnation)

  3. The hidden problem that ALL data science teams suffer from (and how you can become the solution)

  4. What CEOs want (the secret to becoming a data science leader for your company)

  5. The 3 data science team roles (and what their team is missing)

  6. The 4 Phases of Data Science Projects (and what mistakes their DS team is making)

  7. Why 87% of Data Science Projects Fail (plus how I reached a 100% project success rate with my employers and clients)

  8. The roadblock that kills 99% of data science projects (how to uncuff your company's DS team)

  9. How to take projects into production (without waiting months on IT)

  10. The 8 Foundational Data Science Skills (that ALL data scientists must know)

  11. The 7 Business Problem Solving Skills (that will get you hired and promoted)

  12. The Most Overlooked Skill that 90% of Data Scientists SKIP (company's need this and it's stopping you from getting hired and promoted)

  13. The most valuable way for companies to profit from your work (This alone could get you hired or promoted)

  14. Which department to AVOID at all costs if you want to be successful (bypassing this group will actually make you a leader)

  15. My 5-Step Process to Become a Business Scientist (follow this step-by-step plan to become the business scientist for your company)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is for data scientists who are looking to accelerate their career by adding 15+ overlooked skills that are preventing you from growing your data science career, landing a DS job, or transitioning from another career into Data Science.

Attendees should have an introductory data science knowlege (taken at least one beginner course or have tried learning data science on their own via YouTube, Udemy, Udacity, Coursera, edX, or Data Camp).

2. Will this help me land a Data Science job?

Yes. In the training, you will gain the exact knowledge that has helped many aspiring data scientists land their first data science job (and stand out from every one else in the interview).

3. Will this help me transition from another career into data science?

Yes. Inside the training, you will learn the exact skills needed to make a faster transition into data science (without wasting time on things that companies don't want).

4. Will this help me grow my data science career?

Yes. If your DS career is stagnating, you will walk away from this training with a clear action plan to begin growing your DS career.

5. How to get the free DS cheat sheet?

Attend live. I will hand out the DS cheat sheet there.

Ready to BECOME

A Business Scientist?

Learn 15+ Skills that can make you $150,000 or more.

Copyright Business Science 2025
