Special LIVE Event Starts Wednesday, October 23rd @ 2PM EST


for Data Scientists


Discover how to accelerate your data science career by adding 15 ChatGPT skills.

Wednesday, October 23rd @ 2PM EST

LIVE ChatGPT for Data Scientists Workshop 🎉

Learn 15+ ChatGPT skills that will accelerate your data science career

Wednesday, October 23rd @ 2PM EST

Hi I'm Matt,

90% of data scientists aren't using ChatGPT effectively.

  • There are mistakes they are making.

  • There are secrets they are missing.

  • And it's costing these data scientists dearly.

So for the past 6 months, I've been studying up on ChatGPT.

I ponied up and got a ChatGPT subscription. And I've been testing it out, experimenting with what works and what doesn't).

I have good news! I'm ready to share my results.

Attend my free workshop where I will reveal what 90% of are missing out on (but you can use for your business starting today):

Join me and 500 data scientists learning ChatGPT together!

What's Inside this Live Workshop?

Here are the 15 ChatGPT skills that lab attendees will learn:

  1. What is ChatGPT (and how to get it to write usable data science code)

  2. How to quickly describe data to ChatGPT (without sending proprietary information)

  3. How to make web applications with ChatGPT (production code that businesses can immediately use)

  4. ChatGPT Prompt Stacking (how to get ChatGPT to improve it's responses)

  5. Which software packages to have ChatGPT use (to avoid using outdated libraries)

  6. How to overcome ChatGPT code errors (what to look for and how to avoid costly mistakes)

  7. How to do Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) (in 3 lines of code)

  8. How to make Machine Learning Models with ChatGPT (that actually work)

  9. How to Hyperparameter Tune Machine Learning Models with ChatGPT (without spending hours debugging code)

  10. What to do when ChatGPT hallucinates (save 30 minutes with this trick)

  11. Avoid the mistake that got Samsung data scientists fired (don't become a casualty of intellectual property)

  12. How to modularize ChatGPT code (for machine learning and web apps)

  13. The fast way to debug ChatGPT code (use my debugging process)

  14. How to store model artifacts for production (after you modularize ChatGPT code)

  15. My 8-Step Data Science Process (for improving ChatGPT response quality and project speed)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. Who is this lab for?

This lab is for data scientists who are looking to accelerate their career by adding 15+ valuable ChatGPT skills.

Attendees should have an introductory data science knowlege (taken at least one beginner course or have tried learning data science on their own via YouTube, Udemy, Udacity, Coursera, edX, or Data Camp).

2. What business case is covered?

This lab covers a Bank Marketing Churn Case Study. The case study can be applied to any business that has customers.

The lab project is an end-to-end customer churn project. ChatGPT is used to build the machine learning model and deploy the model inside a web application.

3. How to get the free cheat sheet?

Attend live. I will hand out the cheat sheet there.


Your Career with ChatGPT?

Learn 15+ ChatGPT Skills that can make you $150,000 or more.

Copyright Business Science
