The Absolute Very Best And Most Excellent

St Patty's Day Sale

(Thursday, March 16th - Saturday March 18th)

Become The Shiny Expert For Your Organization

The Absolute Very Best And Most Excellent

St Patty's Day Sale

(Thursday, March 16th - Saturday March 18th)

Become The Shiny Expert For Your Company

Dear Data Science Enthusiast,

My name is Matt Dancho and I am having the absolute very best and most excellent St Patty's Day sale ever.

When you get a copy of Shiny Web Apps Part 1 (for 33% OFF), I am giving you 4 SIGNIFICANT bonuses:

✅ Bonus #1: Shiny Web Apps Part 2 (Worth $897)

✅ Bonus #2: 20 Common Business Problems Report (Worth $97)

✅ Bonus #3: 2 Of My Best Shiny Apps. (Worth $25,000)

✅ Bonus #4: 3 Custom Datasets For Practicing Your App Building Skills ($299 Value)

That’s over $27,000 worth of value for only $599.

Here’s Everything That’s Included:

Shiny Web Apps Part 1 ($897 Value)

(35 hours of video, 207 lessons in total)

(Very Beginner Friendly)

Shiny P1 gives you the cheat code for standing out in the job interview.

This course is crafted to give your data science portfolio a massive boost (and impress companies long after you've gotten that lucrative, 6-figure data science job).

Inside this course you’re given 2 real business projects (Project 1: Cannondale Bicycle Pricing Recommender + Project 2: Sales Dashboard with Forecasting) and I walk you through the exact steps to build these powerful shiny apps...

From learning to automate your analysis, to making company-themed shiny apps with HTML & CSS, you'll learn everything you need to stand out from the crowd, impress the hiring managers, and make a splash on the job!

In other words, you learn the foundations of production for data scientists (the stuff that no one teaches you, but is SO incredibly vital to your career).

Here's the immediate impact this course has on your interview portfolio (and your career)...

Fill your interview portfolio by building these:

App 1: Price Prediction Using XGBoost Machine Learning

App 2: Sales Dashboard With Auto Time Series Forecasting

And when companies see the business value you can create (with a web app), then your chances of getting hired for that lucrative, recession-proof data science job drastically increase.

Here's a few things inside the course that I am personally excited for you to discover:

☑️ I give you the cheat code to make shiny web applications will set you apart from others in job interviews and help you get promotions on the job.

☑️ Master the most common types of Shiny inputs (Plus how to handle their reactive output.)...

☑️ I'm giving you the one command you need to know to deploy shiny apps...

☑️ The 2 most important packages to build shiny apps (which will put you ahead of 99% of data scientists that struggle making apps)...

☑️ Master these 2 foundational skills to automate 50% of your data science work (Get good at these and you’ll have already won half the battle towards that next pay raise.)...

☑️ The only interactive plotting technique to turn ggplots into interactive widgets (and will give executives their coveted plots)...

☑️ The easiest way to clean up shiny apps (and no it isn’t Shiny Modules, which I teach you in Shiny Part 2)...

☑️ How to make a forecast inside of a Shiny App (without slowing it down)...

☑️ The trick to making your shiny apps look good (your executives will love this because you match the organization's theme)...

☑️ Learn the easy way to use JavaScript without knowing JavaScript (your shiny app's users will thank you)...

☑️ Learn the trick to making interview portfolio apps in under 1 day...

☑️ I give you 2 ways to use XGBoost Machine Learning Models inside of Shiny Apps (the 2 most common ways I use them)...

☑️ Get a cheat sheet that gives you 90% of all shiny functions you’ll ever need (and speeds up your learning 10X)...

☑️ Learn the 8 different shiny inputs (so you can make sliders, text input, action buttons, date pickers, and more)...

☑️ Use this one secret to upgrade your shiny widgets (and build award-winning shiny apps)...

☑️ Take a deep dive into styling the theme of your apps (for total customization & control of your shiny app's appearance)...

☑️ Discover flexdashboard (and the secret I use to make a shiny app in under 1 hour)...

☑️ Automate forecasting your customer sales history (anyone can make a forecast now without asking you)...

☑️ Use XGBoost to make predictions for new products that haven't yet been developed (Give Marketing and R&D teams access to this AND it'll virtually unlock your next promotion)...

☑️ Discover the 2 most common mistakes when integrating machine learning models into your apps (and what to do instead)...

☑️ How to store your models (so your app can use them in production)...

☑️ The single most important package for creating small-scale apps (this helped 16 of my students get jobs)...

Here's a sneak peek inside of what you unlock!

Over 200 lessons like this one building your shiny app skills.

Here's some of what you'll learn.

Screenshots from the course!

Add Geospatial Maps To Your Shiny Apps

Deploy Your Shiny Apps So Others Can Use Them

Cheat Sheets To Speed Up Development

Learn How To Make Geospatial Maps (Inside of Your Apps)

Mobile Responsive Design

Highlight Important Insights & KPIs With Value Boxes

Use Time Series Plots & Time Unit Selectors

Plot Machine Learning Predictions

Customize The Theme Of Your Apps

Render Images Inside Your Apps

How does Shiny Part 1 help you get a job?

Because it gets crazy results like these...

Will showed off his shiny app in the interview... And it landed him a $100,000+ salary with Verizon.

Habbee used her killer Shiny App Skills to make a financial stock application. And it landed her a Data Science job at the US Federal Reserve.

Luciano used his Shiny App Skills to impress his management!

Today, when you pick up a copy of Shiny Web Apps Part 1 (33% OFF), you also get...


Shiny Web Apps Part 2

($897 Value)

Shiny P2 is as close to being a data science software developer as you can get.

This course is engineered to mould you to think act and feel like a real data science software developer (you know, the guys that get paid $200,000 per year to build enterprise-grade apps).

Inside this course you’re given a real business problem (financial stock analysis) and I walk you through the exact steps to build a multi-user stock analyzer app... Making you insanely valuable to your organization (most business teams will have different users, and now you can give them access).

From conceptualizing the application all the way to building an enterprise-grade, multi-user app with front-end, backend database, and server functionality... The stuff that 90% of data scientists can't do!

You’ll begin by understanding HOW to make full-blown shiny apps. You’ll build a bootstrap-enabled shiny app with a MongoDB database backend. And you'll finish by deploying on AWS Cloud.

In other words, real software development for data scientists.

Here’s Some Of The Highlights Of The Course:

Check out the advanced analysis and cutting-edge tools that you will learn!

Project 1: Build & Deploy A Stock Analyzer On AWS

Get Jumpstarted With Shiny!

Learn Boostrap Frontend Development For Data Scientists

Master JavaScript For Data Scientists

Upgrade Shiny Apps With Boostrap + JavaScript

Make Custom Info Cards

Add Modals To Allow Users To Add/Delete UI

Add User Authentication (A MUST for Enterprise Apps)

Use A MongoDB Atlas Backend Database (NoSQL Apps)

Deploy The App On AWS Cloud EC2 Servers

Use Docker & DockerHub To Simplify The Deployment Environment

Use Git & GitHub To Clone Your Repository & Version Control The Code

Use NGINX To Orchestrate The Docker Container

Project 2:

Build & Deploy A 2nd App (Application Library)

How does Shiny Part 2 help you get a job?

Chris said, "Because of all the courses Matt Dancho has provided, I landed my first Data Scientist Role. Setting up shiny dashboards in AWS was extremely helpful during my interview." (He got the job!)

Matt said, "Portfolio projects that I could demonstrate during live interviews were super critical." (He got 2 job offers!)

Bonus #2

20 Common Business Problems Report ($97 Value)

With the skills in hand to build and scale shiny apps...

...Now you need to be able to apply your skills to Common Business Problems. Why?

Because the MOST COMMON business problems are what real companies need help with!

(and filling your portfolio with THESE business problems in THIS report will help exponentially).

Don't believe me (read this)...

"I wanted to let you know that I got a job offer from Bank of Canada as a Data Scientist."

"I applied for a position, but THE SURPRISE is that when they saw a Shiny App forecasting using Modeltime, they created a higher position for me!"

-Anonymous Student (I will reveal her name soon)

My student stole this job from a bunch of Python folks too! That's what I call icing on the cake.

And, that's why you need to have shiny apps that solve common business problems in your portfolio.

Bonus #3

2 Shiny Apps that Companies Paid Me $25,000 to build

($25,000 Value)

Would you like some legitimate business tools I sold for $10,000 and $15,000 dollars?

Well, today's your lucky day.

When you pick up the course, I'm giving you two shiny apps for you to use and dissect.

Feel free to take inspiration from or use them to help get you jobs and to set yourself apart from the pack.

Take a look at these shiny apps:

Shiny App #1

Hierarchical Forecaster App with Modeltime

Shiny App #2

Customer Churn Analyzer App

Bonus #4

3 Custom Datasets

($299 Value)

Specifically for the people who buy this package, I am including 3 custom datasets. Why?

Because half of my students that take the courses want one of two things:

1. They want more data to test their skills on (as they go through the courses).

2. They want data to create unique projects for their portfolio.

So I'm giving you 3 extra datasets to help solve these 2 pain points. And give you an edge in your job hunt.

You can thank me in a glowing testimonial later after I get you the job of your dreams.

Here's Everything You're Getting Today:

  • 33% OFF: Shiny Web Apps Part 1 Course ($897 Value)

  • Bonus #1: Shiny Web Apps Part 2 Course ($897 Value)

  • Bonus #2: 20 Common Business Problems ($97 Value)

  • Bonus #3: 2 Shiny Apps that I've been paid $25K for ($25,000 Value)

  • Bonus #4: 3 Custom Datasets for practicing coursework and building portfolio apps ($299 Value)

That's a total value of over $27,000

It's yours today for only $599.

Let's do this!!

You're one step away from becoming The Shiny Expert for your organization!

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